Suparator® Dynamic Oil Separator.

Oil is no longer the reason to change a bath!

Suparator® is an oil separation system, totally different from any other. It is unique because of its patented, distinctive technological design which makes it possible to separate oil in a physical, dynamic way. Using Bernoulli’s principle makes concentration of oil traces very efficient, without moving parts or any consumption of consumables. A clever design is all that’s necessary to take out the oil from your process. And it really takes out just oil! No media, no chemicals…., just oil.

Your benefits using Suparator®:

  • Maximum cleaner lifetime, up to 4-10 times over
  • Gives optimal process / product quality
  • Reduction of waste disposal and operating costs
  • Makes your process more sustainable
  • Maintenance free construction
    No moving parts, No consumables, Self-cleaning
  • Effective for large and small installations
  • Very short Return On Investment

A Suparator® System always consists of a Suparator® unit, a special non-emulsifying membrane pump and a Suparskim® self-adjusting skimmer. 

A suitable oil separator for tank volumes from 500 up to 400.000 liter!





The Suparator® 83 series

The Suparator® 86 series

The Suparator® 84 series

The Suparator® 88 series