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On 15 and 16 October 2024, EKK Anlagentechnik will host an innovation forum. This year’s focus lies on the topic ‘Automotive in the areas of Pretreatment and cathodic dip coating (CDC)’. The forum offers a unique opportunity to exchange ideas about the latest innovations, challenges and opportunities in the automotive industry.

Based on a few automotive projects in which we worked closely together, EKK recognized our expertise on bath maintenance in pretreatment stages. We are invited to share this expertise with stakeholders within the industry. Our lecture, given by Marcel van Hulten, is titled ‘BATH MAINTENANCE: EXPERTISE MAKES THE CONCEPT, THE CONCEPT MAKES THE EFFICIENCY’. It will give insight into our distinctive way of working and our high-end, innovative solutions.

EKK Anlagentechnik is a well-known German supplier for the automotive industry for sustainable plastic solutions and containers, process technology and accessories for cataphoretic dip coating. 

You can register for the EKK Forum Innovation – Automotive by using this this link.